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  • Corporate Tax Services | Account-Ink Pte Ltd

    企业税务服务 我们的企业税务服务旨在帮助您的企业轻松自信地应对复杂的税务问题。我们的税务专家团队拥有丰富的经验和专业知识,可满足您所有的企业税务需求。 为何选择 Account-Ink Pte Ltd? 专业知识和经验 我们的团队由经验丰富的税务专业人士组成,他们在新加坡和国际上拥有十多年的企业税务经验。我们的专家曾在四大会计师事务所和内部商业团队的税务部门工作过,拥有处理企业税务各个方面所需的深入知识和技能。 全套税务服务 我们为您的所有企业所得税要求提供全面支持。从税务规划和合规到申报和咨询服务,我们的团队确保您的企业履行纳税义务,同时优化您的税务状况。 全球税务 遵守国际税收法规可能具有挑战性。我们的团队提供专业的国际税务服务,以确保您的业务遵守跨境税法并利用任何可用的税收优惠。 了解你的纳税义务 我们将指导您了解您的纳税义务,确保您了解适用于您企业的所有当地和国际税务要求。我们的主动方法可帮助您保持合规并避免潜在的处罚。 我们的企业税务服务包括: 税务规划和优化 编制和提交企业所得税申报表(C/CS表) 有关纳税义务和合规要求的咨询 消费税登记 编制和提交季度 GST 申报表(表格 5) GST 法规和报告方面的咨询 与 Account Ink Pte Ltd 合作满足您的企业税务需求,并受益于我们的专业知识、全面的服务和专门的支持。 保持联系 Account-Ink Pte. Ltd. UEN: 202425438H Operating Hours: Mon - Fri, from 9am to 6pm Closed on Public Holidays Registered Address 60 Paya Lebar Road #07-54 Paya Lebar Square Singapore 409051 WhatsApp: +65 8098 9188 Email: First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting! We will reach out to you soon.

  • All-in-One Annual Compliance Package for SMEs | Account-Ink

    Simplifying Your Business Compliances All-in-One Annual Compliance Package for Startups and Small Businesses! Tailored for businesses under 3 years old or with less than $1M in revenue, our comprehensive compliance package ensures your company meets all its regulatory requirements without hassle – only at $1,800 , usual price $2,280! Why Choose Our Annual Compliance Package? Peace of Mind We manage all the due dates so you can focus on growing your business. Affordable & Transparent Pricing Pay a flat fee of $1,569 with no hidden costs (excluding government fees and out-of-pocket expenses). All-In-One Solution Covers all your annual compliance needs (ACRA and IRAS) in one convenient package. What’s Included? Our compliance package covers every aspect of your company’s annual requirements: Named Company Secretary AGM Documents & Annual Returns Filing Compilation of Unaudited Financial Statements Tax Computation Corporate Tax Submission to IRAS (Form CS) Maintaining Company Registers (Including RORC) Corporate Advisory Sign Up Today! Take the stress out of compliance with our all-in-one package at a fixed price of $1,800 Usual price $2,280 (excluding government fees and out-of-pocket expenses) Get in Touch Account-Ink Pte. Ltd. UEN: 202425438H Operating Hours: Mon - Fri, from 9am to 6pm Closed on Public Holidays Registered Address 60 Paya Lebar Road #07-54 Paya Lebar Square Singapore 409051 WhatsApp: +65 8098 9188 Email: First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting! We will reach out to you soon. Frequently Asked Questions 1. Who is this package for? This package is designed for newly incorporated companies (less than 3 years old) and small businesses with annual revenue below $1 million. 2. What government fees are excluded? The $1,800 package excludes ACRA filing fees of $60 and any other out-of-pocket expenses. 3. Is this really an all-in-one solution? Yes, it covers all major annual compliance (ACRA and IRAS) requirements for private limited companies, ensuring your business stays compliant without added stress. Ready to simplify your compliance process and save close to $500? Sign up today for our comprehensive Annual Compliance Package at just $1,800!

  • Account-Ink Pte. Ltd. | Expert Corporate Services in Singapore, Cloud Accounting, and Tech Advisory for Business Success

    Account-Ink Pte Ltd - 为新加坡的企业提供专业的公司秘书和会计服务 通过创新技术优化业务运营并推动成功 Get Started Today! Thanks for submitting! 关键品质 在 Account-Ink,我们将您的业务视为自己的业务。我们根据您的特定需求量身定制服务,确保合规性、提高绩效并促进增长。作为提高业务绩效的催化剂,您可以信赖我们的专业知识和创新解决方案来支持您的组织目标。 以客户为中心 透明沟通 广泛的网络 及时响应 及时报告 专业知识 Moses Boon, Shang Bao Tai Pte Ltd 董事 我强烈推荐 Vance 的 出色服务和建议。Vance 给了我很大的帮助,尤其是当我将业务扩展到马来西亚时。在他的指导下,我节省了大量资金。他总是一个电话就能联系到我,并且始终竭尽全力确保我的 成功。我很感激有他作为我 值得信赖的顾问。 服务 我们帮助公司做好面向未来的准备并提高效率。 公司秘书 成立公司可能是一项艰巨的任务,但遵守 ACRA 法规至关重要。我们的专家团队可以指导您完成整个过程,确保您的公司取得成功。让我们帮助您迈出建立梦想企业的第一步。 云端会计 您是否厌倦了花费无数时间进行手动会计任务?我们的云会计解决方案可帮助您简化财务运营,为您提供实时数据并节省您的宝贵时间。让我们帮助您掌控财务并专注于发展业务。 工作准证 我们理解为您的外籍员工办理工作准证申请可能是一个复杂的过程。因此,我们提供工作准证咨询和申请服务,让您轻松管理所有招聘需求。 我们对您的承诺 响应时间 快 我们珍惜您的时间,并努力提供最好的客户服务。我们理解未能及时得到回复的沮丧。这就是为什么我们承诺在工作时间内 1 小时内回复您的所有咨询*。 及时申报 我们了解逾期申报的后果,因此我们保证所有法定申报均按时完成。如果我们错过截止日期,我们将承担任何罚款,退还您的全额付款,并在下一年免费提供我们的服务。 客户服务 我们致力于为您提供服务和客户支持。我们信守承诺,提供世界一流的服务,如果因任何原因未能达到要求,我们将全额退还您为该服务支付的费用。您的满意是我们的首要任务。 保持联系 Account-Ink Pte. Ltd. UEN: 202425438H Operating Hours: Mon - Fri, from 9am to 6pm Closed on Public Holidays Registered Address 60 Paya Lebar Road #07-54 Paya Lebar Square Singapore 409051 WhatsApp: +65 8098 9188 Email: First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting! We will reach out to you soon.

  • Corporate Secretarial Services | Account-Ink Pte Ltd

    新加坡的公司秘书服务 在新加坡成功注册公司 后,下一个关键步骤是任命公司秘书。根据新加坡公司法,私人有限公司必须在注册之日起六个月 内任命公司秘书。 在 Account-Ink Pte Ltd,我们全面的公司秘书服务可确保您的公司始终符合会计与企业监管局 (ACRA) 的要求。从初始设置到持续的年度合规和治理,我们在您业务的每个阶段都提供专家支持。让我们处理行政和监管细节,这样您就可以满怀信心地专注于发展业务。 为何选择 Account-Ink Pte Ltd? 专业知识和经验 凭借超过 10 年的经验,我们帮助本地和外国公司准确可靠地履行年度合规义务。我们对新加坡监管环境的广泛了解可确保您的公司保持合规并得到良好的治理。 免罚金保证 我们保证服务的质量和准确性。如果因我们的失误导致申报延迟,我们不仅会承担全部罚款,还会退还您支付的服务费。这一保证彰显了我们对您的业务合规性和安心的承诺。 快捷的服务 我们深知,及时做出决策对您的业务至关重要。因此,我们确保快速响应您的任何疑问,为您提供所需的信息,让您做出明智的决策,避免不必要的延误。 我们的公司秘书服务包括: 提供指定公司秘书 准备年度股东大会 (AGM) 文件 向新加坡会计与企业管理局(ACRA)提交年度申报表 变更公司资料(公司名称、高管、注册地址、财政年度结束日期等) 股份关联交易 维护公司登记册和 RORC 注销公司 通过 Account-Ink Pte Ltd 的公司秘书服务,确保您的业务保持合规并得到良好管理。立即联系我们,详细了解我们如何支持贵公司的管理和合规需求。 保持联系 Account-Ink Pte. Ltd. UEN: 202425438H Operating Hours: Mon - Fri, from 9am to 6pm Closed on Public Holidays Registered Address 60 Paya Lebar Road #07-54 Paya Lebar Square Singapore 409051 WhatsApp: +65 8098 9188 Email: First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting! We will reach out to you soon.

  • Contact Us | Account-Ink Pte Ltd

    联系我们 寻求有关公司成立 、公司秘书服务 、云会计 、公司税务 、工作准证申请 、人力资源和薪资服务 、技术咨询、许可证和政府补助方面的专家建议。 我们专业的团队致力于优化您的业务运营并推动成功。 立即联系我们,了解我们如何帮助您的业务蓬勃发展! 注册地址: 巴耶利峇路 60 号 #07-54 巴耶利峇广场 新加坡 409051 营业时间:周一至周五上午 9 点至下午 6 点 公众假期休息 WhatsApp: +65 90288711 邮箱: First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!

  • HR and Payroll Services | Account-Ink Pte Ltd

    HR and Payroll Services 有效管理人力资源和薪资对于任何企业来说都至关重要。在 Account-Ink Pte Ltd,我们提供全面的人力资源和薪资服务,旨在简化您的运营、确保合规性并提高员工满意度。 为何选择 Account-Ink Pte Ltd? 专业知识和经验 我们的团队在人力资源和薪资管理方面拥有丰富的知识和经验,确保服务准确高效。高效处理各种规模企业的薪资,轻松处理 5 至 200 名员工。 专属支持 提供可靠且响应迅速的客户支持,以解决任何与人力资源或工资相关的疑问和疑虑。 经济高效的解决方案: 以有竞争力的价格提供高质量的服务,帮助您优化人力资源和工资流程,而无需花费太多。 员工自助服务门户 通过用户友好的门户,员工可以轻松访问工资单、休假申请和个人信息更新。 我们的人力资源和薪资服务包括: 人力资源咨询 设置工资系统 每月工资单处理 公积金提交 准备年度 IR8A 表格 工资报告 通过选择 Account-Ink Pte Ltd 来满足您的人力资源和薪资需求,您可以专注于发展您的业务,同时我们会精确、谨慎地处理复杂的人力资源管理和薪资处理。 保持联系 Account-Ink Pte. Ltd. UEN: 202425438H Operating Hours: Mon - Fri, from 9am to 6pm Closed on Public Holidays Registered Address 60 Paya Lebar Road #07-54 Paya Lebar Square Singapore 409051 WhatsApp: +65 8098 9188 Email: First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting! We will reach out to you soon.

  • Cloud Accounting Services | Account-Ink Pte Ltd

    云端会计服务 正确的会计对于帮助企业利用准确的数据做出最佳决策至关重要。我们的云会计服务可让您实时访问您的财务数据,让您了解企业的当前状况,就像了解其健康状况一样。 通过利用市场上最新、最先进的会计软件(例如 Xero 和 QuickBooks),我们确保您的业务受益于尖端技术。我们的团队由经验丰富的专业人士组成,他们是 Xero 的专业用户,在云会计方面拥有多年的经验。凭借这些专业知识,我们可以为您提供最适合您特定业务需求的软件解决方案建议。 我们的服务包括月度、季度和年度会计,确保您的财务记录得到精心维护和更新。您将可以访问关键的管理报告,例如损益表、资产负债表和现金流量报告,所有这些报告都可在云端轻松获取。这意味着您可以随时随地访问您的财务数据,为您提供做出明智业务决策所需的灵活性和洞察力。 为何选择 Account-Ink Pte Ltd? 专业知识和经验 Account-Ink Pte Ltd 的团队由经验丰富的专业人士组成,他们是云计算方面的专家。凭借多年的经验和对 Xero 和 QuickBooks 等领先会计软件的深入了解,我们为您提供最可靠、最高效的会计解决方案,以满足您的业务需求。 实时财务洞察 即时访问实时财务数据,让您了解业务的当前健康状况。借助最新信息,您可以迅速而自信地做出明智的决策,确保您的业务保持敏捷和竞争力。 没有一种万能的解决方案 我们深知每家企业都是独一无二的,因此我们可提供符合您特定需求的个性化会计解决方案。我们的专家团队将指导您选择最适合您的业务模式和目标的软件和服务。 我们的云端会计服务包括: 了解当前的会计流程 建议云会计软件可以改进的地方 设置和迁移数据 银行对账 销售和采购/费用的簿记 生成管理报告 选择 Account-Ink Pte Ltd 满足您的云会计需求,并利用实时数据的力量推动您的业务走向成功。 保持联系 Account-Ink Pte. Ltd. UEN: 202425438H Operating Hours: Mon - Fri, from 9am to 6pm Closed on Public Holidays Registered Address 60 Paya Lebar Road #07-54 Paya Lebar Square Singapore 409051 WhatsApp: +65 8098 9188 Email: First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting! We will reach out to you soon.

  • FAQ | My Site

    FAQs Explore answers to some of our most frequently asked questions below. If you need further assistance or have additional inquiries, feel free to contact us. FAQs How long does it take to incorporate a company in Singapore? The company incorporation process can take as little as within 24 hours, depending on the completeness of the information and documentation provided. Our team will assist you throughout the process to ensure a smooth and quick establishment. What is the role of a Company Secretary? A Company Secretary ensures that the company complies with statutory and regulatory requirements. Their responsibilities include maintaining statutory registers, filing annual returns, preparing board resolutions, and keeping company records in order. In Singapore, it is mandatory for every company to appoint a Company Secretary within six months of incorporation. How often should I hold board meetings? In Singapore, board meetings should be held at least once a year to approve the financial statements. However, more frequent meetings may be necessary depending on the size and nature of your business. We can help you organize and prepare the necessary documentation for these meetings. What is cloud accounting, and how can it benefit my business? Cloud accounting uses software like Xero to store financial data on remote servers. It allows you to access real-time financial information from anywhere, streamline invoicing, improve bookkeeping accuracy, and manage your business finances more efficiently. Can I use my current accounting software? Yes, we can work with your current accounting software, provided we have the necessary access. However, we recommend using cloud accounting software for its added convenience, allowing us to log in remotely and offer real-time support. How can you help my business with corporate taxes? We provide comprehensive tax services , including tax planning, preparation, and filing. Our goal is to ensure that you meet all tax obligations while optimizing your tax position to take advantage of available tax benefits and deductions. How does Account Ink Pte Ltd assist with work pass applications? We handle the entire work pass application process for you, from eligibility assessment to document submission. We ensure that all requirements are met and work with you to ensure a smooth and successful application process. Do you guarantee the approval of Employment Pass, S Pass, and Work Permit applications? While we assist in preparing and submitting Employment Pass, S Pass, and Work Permit applications, approval is at the discretion of Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM). We cannot guarantee approval but will ensure that all applications meet the necessary criteria to increase the likelihood of a positive outcome. How long does it take to process a work pass application? The processing time for work pass applications varies. Generally, Employment Pass and S Pass applications can take 3–8 weeks, while Work Permit applications may take up to 2 - 7 days. We’ll keep you informed throughout the process. Can you help with obtaining business licenses? Yes, we provide end-to-end support in obtaining necessary licenses for your business. We assist with preparing documentation, submitting applications, and following up with relevant authorities to ensure you obtain your licenses promptly. What is PDPA compliance, and why is it important? PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act) compliance ensures that your business properly manages and protects personal data. Non-compliance can result in legal penalties. We assist companies in implementing PDPA-compliant policies and procedures to protect customer data and avoid potential fines. How does your recruitment service work, and what is your fee structure? We charge a service fee equivalent to one month of the candidate’s salary upon signing the employment contract. If the candidate resigns within the first month, we will provide a free replacement. If no replacement is found within that time, 50% of the service fee will be refunded. How can you assist my business in applying for grants? We research available grants, prepare application materials, and guide you through the application process to help secure funding for your business. Our experts ensure that you meet all requirements and deadlines for grant applications. What payment methods do you accept? We accept various payment methods, including bank transfers, credit card payments, and PayNow. If you have a preferred method of payment, please let us know, and we will do our best to accommodate it. Get in Touch Account-Ink Pte. Ltd. UEN: 202425438H Operating Hours: Mon - Fri, from 9am to 6pm Closed on Public Holidays Registered Address 60 Paya Lebar Road #07-54 Paya Lebar Square Singapore 409051 WhatsApp: +65 8098 9188 Email: First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting! We will reach out to you soon.

  • What We Do | Account-Ink Pte Ltd

    我们的服务 公司注册 我们为您处理公司设立的整个流程,从名称预留到提交公司注册文件。我们全面的服务可确保您的公司快速、正确地成立,让您专注于开展业务。 公司秘书 我们提供持续的公司秘书服务,包括维护法定登记册、准备和提交年度申报表以及确保遵守 ACRA 的规定。我们的团队将担任您的公司秘书,确保您的公司合规且井然有序。 云端会计服务 我们的云会计服务可让您随时随地实时访问您的财务数据。我们设置和管理 Xero 等云会计系统,为您提供准确的财务报告、简化的发票和高效的簿记。这使您能够根据最新的财务信息做出明智的公司决策。 公司税 我们的税务专家可帮助您应对复杂的企业税务问题。我们提供税务规划、准备和申报服务,以确保您的公司在优化税务状况的同时履行纳税义务。我们的目标是最大限度地减少您的税务负担并最大限度地节省您的开支。 工作准证申请 我们协助完成整个工作准证申请流程,从评估资格到准备和提交申请。我们的团队会随时了解 MOM 法规,以确保您的申请符合所有要求,从而增加您的员工获得批准的机会。 人力资源与薪资 我们了解管理工资单的复杂性和挑战性。我们的工资单外包服务旨在减轻您的负担,涵盖工资单流程的各个方面,从计算工资和扣除额到生成工资单并确保遵守当地法规。 本网站显示的图像是使用人工智能 (AI) 创建的。与现实生活中的任何相似之处纯属巧合。 保持联系 Account-Ink Pte. Ltd. UEN: 202425438H Operating Hours: Mon - Fri, from 9am to 6pm Closed on Public Holidays Registered Address 60 Paya Lebar Road #07-54 Paya Lebar Square Singapore 409051 WhatsApp: +65 8098 9188 Email: First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting! We will reach out to you soon.

  • Work Pass Application Services | Account-Ink Pte Ltd

    工作准证申请服务 处理新加坡复杂的工作准证申请可能具有挑战性。在 Account-Ink Pte Ltd,我们专门为外国专业人士和员工简化流程,包括就业准证、S 准证和工作许可申请。我们的专业知识可确保顺畅高效的体验,处理从资格评估到文件准备和提交的所有事宜。 为何选择 Account-Ink Pte Ltd? 专业知识和经验 我们的团队在处理各行各业和专业水平的工作准证申请方面拥有丰富的经验,确保彻底了解所涉及的要求和流程。 及时更新 定期了解您的申请状态,为您提供整个申请过程的安心和透明度。 良好的记录 我们在协助外国专业人士和员工获得工作准证方面有着成功的记录,证明了我们致力于卓越和客户满意度的承诺。 家属搬迁援助 帮助您的家属搬迁,包括家属准证和长期访问准证申请,确保您的整个家庭顺利搬迁。 我们的工作准证申请服务包括: 资格评估 文件准备 提交申请 与人力部有关部门联络 状态更新 审批后支持 续订服务 上诉和重新申请 有了 Account-Ink Pte Ltd,您可以信赖我们在就业准证、S 准证和工作许可申请方面的专业知识,我们提供无缝高效的流程,确保您的工作准证需求获得高批准率。 保持联系 Account-Ink Pte. Ltd. UEN: 202425438H Operating Hours: Mon - Fri, from 9am to 6pm Closed on Public Holidays Registered Address 60 Paya Lebar Road #07-54 Paya Lebar Square Singapore 409051 WhatsApp: +65 8098 9188 Email: First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting! We will reach out to you soon.

  • Company Incorporation Services in Singapore | Account-Ink Pte Ltd

    新加坡公司注册服务 Account-Ink Pte Ltd 在新加坡提供全面的公司注册服务,旨在简化您设立公司的流程。我们的专业知识、对效率的承诺和独特的服务产品可确保您获得无缝、快速的公司注册体验。 为何选择 Account-Ink Pte Ltd? 当天成立公司 我们深知快速启动和运营业务的重要性。我们精简的流程和专业的团队可确保您的公司在同一天成立,让您可以毫不拖延地开始运营。 选择成立公司的吉日 对于那些希望在风水吉日成立公司的人,我们提供个性化服务以满足您的需求。无论是周末还是公共假期,我们的团队都可以确保您的公司在您选择的日期成立,无需额外费用。 免费 1 年指定公司秘书服务 作为我们全面公司注册套餐的一部分,我们提供为期 1 年的免费指定公司秘书服务。这可确保您的公司符合法定要求,并获得专业支持以维持公司治理标准。 CorpPass 管理员设置 我们协助您设置您的 CorpPass 管理员帐户,以便您可以访问各种政府在线门户,例如 CPF、MOM 和 IRAS。 它包含什么? 公司结构咨询 名称保留 - ACRA 费用为 15 美元 准备公司成立文件 在 ACRA 成立公司 - ACRA 费用为 300 美元 设立法定公司登记册 提交控制人登记册 (RORC) 免费 1 年指定公司秘书服务 设置 CorpPass 管理员账户 添加在: 提名董事 注册办公地址 开设银行账户 让 Account-Ink Pte Ltd 成为您在新加坡建立业务的值得信赖的合作伙伴。立即联系我们,了解有关我们的公司注册服务的更多信息,以及我们如何帮助您顺利、成功地开始业务。 保持联系 Account-Ink Pte. Ltd. UEN: 202425438H Operating Hours: Mon - Fri, from 9am to 6pm Closed on Public Holidays Registered Address 60 Paya Lebar Road #07-54 Paya Lebar Square Singapore 409051 WhatsApp: +65 8098 9188 Email: First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting! We will reach out to you soon.

  • Privacy policy | Account-Ink Pte Ltd

    隐私政策 Effective Date: 07/08/2024 Account-Ink Pte Ltd ("we," "us," or "our") is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal data is handled in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) of Singapore. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your personal data. 1. Collection of Personal Data We may collect the following types of personal data from you: Personal Identification Information: Name, NRIC/FIN number, passport number, date of birth, nationality. Contact Information: Address, email address, phone number. Financial Information: Bank account details, credit card information. Employment Information: Job title, company name, employment history. Technical Data: IP address, browser type, operating system, and other technical data collected through cookies and similar technologies. 2. Purpose of Collecting Personal Data We collect and use your personal data for the following purposes: Provision of Services: To provide our corporate secretarial, accounting, tax advisory, and other related services. Communication: To communicate with you regarding our services, respond to your inquiries, and send you updates. Compliance: To comply with legal and regulatory obligations, including anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism requirements. Marketing: To send you marketing materials and updates about our services, with your consent. Improvement of Services: To improve our services and enhance your experience with us. 3. Disclosure of Personal Data We may disclose your personal data to the following parties: Service Providers: Third-party service providers who assist us in providing our services, including IT service providers, auditors, and consultants. Regulatory Authorities: Government agencies, regulatory bodies, and law enforcement authorities as required by law. Business Partners: With your consent, we may share your data with our business partners for joint marketing activities. Legal Obligations: To comply with legal processes or to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property. 4. Protection of Personal Data We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard your personal data against unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. These measures include: Data Encryption: Encryption of sensitive data during transmission and storage. Access Controls: Restricting access to personal data to authorized personnel only. Regular Audits: Conducting regular security audits and assessments. 5. Retention of Personal Data We will retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, or as required by applicable laws. Once your data is no longer needed, we will take steps to anonymize or securely delete it. 6. Your Rights You have the following rights regarding your personal data: Access: To request access to your personal data and obtain information about how it is processed. Correction: To request corrections to any inaccuracies in your personal data. Withdrawal of Consent: To withdraw your consent to the collection, use, or disclosure of your personal data at any time. Complaints: To lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) if you believe your data protection rights have been violated. 7. Contact Us If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or wish to exercise your rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at: Data Protection Officer Account-Ink Pte Ltd 60 Paya Lebar Road #07-54 Paya Lebar Square Singapore 409051 WhatsApp: +65 8098 9188 8. Changes to This Privacy Policy We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. We will notify you of any significant changes by posting the updated policy on our website and indicating the effective date. By using our services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy and agree to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal data as described herein.

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